"Don’t ever say your life sucks… It could be much worse."

Your life is probably good compared to so many people around the world.  Do you ever think about poor children who are starving to death. What about young girls who are being forced into prostitution. What about young boys who are being kidnapped and placed in terrorist camps.  They will never have a chance to grow up. But for you, there is no reason to say your life sucks. You still have a chance to fulfill your dreams.

Change your attitude. 
Be more grateful.


VanLing said...

I can't agree with this more!!! ^_^ How are you these days? I've been being busy in work for months. I am so happy seeing your comment. (LOL the proof of being busy :P)

Demetrius said...

Hi Vanessa! I am so glad to see you again. Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you <3