"Sign out for awhile."

Can you make it through a day without electronic stuff: no cable television, no Internet, no satellite radio, no Mp3 player, no DVD's, no video games, etc. ?

As for me, I can usually accomplish it once or twice a week; and it feels good to spend a day without entertainment. For some reason I can relax and clear my thoughts more easily when there is no media or technology controlling my brain. Just a few hours of abstinence from electronic things will make it easier for me to connect with God's wisdom and grace. I sincerely encourage you to do the same thing: Sign out from the media activity and sign on to God. Don't allow yourself to be lured away from the real source of positive energy and amusement.. Always make time for God. Just a few hours a day, at least!

"We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly. . . spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order."
~Susan L. Taylor